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Doctoral Seminars on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment

25 & 26 May 2023, Brussels

DS²BE is a joint initiative of the Belgian research groups working on sustainability issues in the built environment. It brings together eight universities: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, KULeuven, UCLouvain, Université de Liège, UHasselt, UAntwerpen and UGent.


For the next DS²BE 2023, a two-day event on 25-26 May 2023 in Brussels, we invite contributions differentiated along the stage of the PhD research.



Preregister before 20/01


Submit a draft abstract no later than the 20th of January 2023 and reserve your spot at DS²BE 2023. Non-presenting participants such as supervisors are encouraged to preregister too.







Call for contributions


According to DS²BE’smission, contributions during the seminar must tackle sustainability issues in the built environment. They can range from the scale level of a building product to that of a city or whole region. Theoretical and methodological developments, as well as empirical findings of technical and social nature, are welcome. 


For DS²BE 2023 the scientific and organizing committees invite contributions differentiated along the stage of the PhD research:


        PhD researchers at an advanced stage (from year 3) are invited to present substantial research results, e.g. a case study, draft article, or thesis chapter. After an abstract (300 words, English) they also submit a full paper (4000 words, English).


        PhD researchers at an early stage (years 1 and 2) of their research are invited to pitch key hypotheses, methods, and preliminary findings. They only submit an abstract (300 words, English) and a supporting poster.


More details about the formats will be shared after preregistering.


The scientific committee of senior researchers will review all abstracts and papers, and written feedback will be given. Only abstracts will be published. This allows further development of the manuscript into a journal paper for example.


The added value of submitting an abstract or full paper is the constructive feedback provided by peers in a written format, and the interactive feedback following each presentation.


Certificates of Participation will be issued to participants, which might be used to gain credits from their doctoral schools.






Fr. 20/01/2023 - Preregistration for paper presentations or poster pitches

Fr. 03/03/2023 - Submission of full papers or abstracts & posters

Fr. 31/03/2023 - Notification of peer review feedback

Fr. 28/04/2023 - Registration and submission of revised papers or abstracts & posters


Th. 25/05/2023 - DS2BE day ONE

Fr. 26/05/2023 - DS2BE day TWO



Scientific committee


Prof. Ahmed Z. Khan (ULB),

Prof. Philippe Bouillard (ULB),

Prof. Luisa Moretto (ULB),

Prof. Geoffrey Grulois (ULB),

​Prof. Bernard Deprez (ULB),

Prof. Niels De Temmerman (VUB),

Prof. Waldo Galle (VUB),

Prof. Stephanie Van de Voorde (VUB),

Prof. Lars De Laet (VUB),

Prof. Karen Allacker (KUL),

Prof. Frank De Troyer (KUL),

Prof. Hilde Breesch (KUL),

Dr. Damien Trigaux (KUL),

​Prof. Nathan Van Den Bossche (UG),

Prof. Lionel Devlieger (UG),

Prof. Jelle Laverge (UG),

Prof. Arnold Janssens (UG),

Prof. Marijke Steeman (UG),

Prof. Griet Verbeeck (UH),

Prof. Elke Knapen (UH),

Prof. Rafael Novais Passarelli (UH)

Prof. Shady Attia (ULg),

Prof. Philippe André (ULg),

Prof. Sigrid Reiter (ULg),

​Prof. Jacques Teller (ULg),

Prof. Jean-Marie Halleux (ULg),

Prof. Geoffrey van Moeseke (UCLouvain),

Prof. Bernard Declève (UCLouvain),

Prof. Andre Stephan (UCLouvain),

Prof. Maider Llaguno (UCLouvain),

Prof. Tim De Kock (UA)​,

Dr. Matti Buyle (UA),

Prof. Bob Geldermans (UA).



Organising committee DS²BE 2023


Prof. Waldo Galle (VUB),

Prof. Ahmed Z. Khan (ULB),

Prof. Niels De Temmerman (VUB).


Giulia Verga (ULB),

Jeroen Poppe (VUB),

Esther Geboes (VUB),

Gabrielle Kawa (VUB),
Margaux Lespagnard (VUB),

Paulien Beeckman (VUB),

Ruben Van Vooren (VUB),

Victor Ooghe (VUB-ULB),

Nathalie Verbrugghe (ULB).


For inquiries, contact


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